Summer Social Event

The social committee is hard at work planning a fun summer event for the members of 3131, but they need some information from you!  Please fill out the short survey you received via email so that we know everyone’s preferred date for the event, type of event and how many are attending for food purposes.  Even if you don’t plan on attending the event, please fill out the survey stating that.  If you haven’t received the survey, we apologize for missing you, just reach out to Cavelle Young in Finance, Michelle Kiley in IT or Allana Serroul in Finance and they will send you the link.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Bargaining Update – June 28, 2023

Administrative and support workers at Cape Breton University represented by CUPE 3131 have filed for conciliation after bargaining talks broke down between the union and the employer.

This marks the second time this calendar year CBU negotiators have been unable to close a deal without the assistance of the provincial conciliation services department. The announcement comes just months after CBU faculty walked off the job in January.

CUPE 3131 members work in a variety of administrative roles in the university, including in the finance department, admissions and registration, student affairs, library services, IT, and academic support.

Local president Allana Serroul says admin staff aren’t seeing the increases they need to keep up with the rising cost of living in CBRM. “From 2020 to 2022, David Dingwall had a salary increase of 33%, and that’s before all the additional benefits he receives as the University President. During the same period, our salary increase has been just 3.8%. We’re the people who pay CBU’s bills, but on these salaries, we can’t pay our own.”

While a conciliator has been appointed, a date for the conciliation meeting has yet to be set.

Emergency Meeting

The Emergency meeting will be held at the Sydney River Firehall on Wednesday June 21, 2023 at 4:30pm.

This is a very important meeting regarding Bargaining Updates and ALL members should attend.

Bargaining Update

Bargaining discussions with CBU broke off today.  They are unwilling to bargain in good faith, so we will be filing for conciliation tomorrow.  We will hold an emergency union meeting on June 21, 2023 to update members!  Time and location TBA.

June 2023 – Regular Monthly Meeting

June 13, 2023

The June 2023 regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 in B118 of the Marvin Harvey Building (CBU) at 12:00pm.

Items on the agenda are JJEC Committee Update and Monetary Discussions for Negotiations.

This will be our last monthly meeting until September and ALL Members are urged to attend!


Upcoming Social event

The Membership Support Committee is excited to announce that they are currently planning our first annual social event!   Please keep an eye on this page for upcoming details!

May 2023 – Regular Monthly Meeting

May 23, 2023

The May 2023 regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 in B118 of the Marvin Harvey Building (CBU) at 12:00pm.

Items on the agenda are Committees, Budget discussion, Bargaining Update and Website presentation.
All Members are urged to attend!